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Arne von Sternheim
Expertise Implant Dentistry

2022   Harvard School of Dental Medicine: Innovative and Effective Team Collaboration in Multidisciplinary Therapy

2022   The Bernese Periodontology Curriculum. Prof. A. Sculean, University of Bern, Switzerland

2022   Vienna University, Slavicek Advanced Basic Curriculum

2022   48h Advanced hard & soft tissue augmentation, Ricardo Kern & Radoslaw Jadach, Dubai, UAE

2021   Founding Member of the Collegium Implantologiae Oralis

2020   Vienna University, Slavicek Basic Curriculum  Oct ´19 - Apr ´20

2019   90h Curriculum Periodontology, DGZMK-APW, German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine


2019   John Kois, Seattle, Treatment Planning & Functional Occlusion

2019   80h Curriculum Periodontology DGMKG, German Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons

2019   John Kois, Moscow, Practical and predictable Restorative Implant management.


2019   UCLA Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain Mini-Residency Febr- Jun 2019


2018   Harvard School of Dental Medicine: "Advanced surgical & restorative implant course"


2009-2017 Humanitarian&charitable work at the Fundacion Dr.Garg, Santo Domingo. Numerous surgeries (incl. Immediate Implant Placement, Sinus Graft, Bone Splitting, Bone Spreading, Soft Tissue Management, Block Graft (chin, ramus, tuberosity), Complication Management, performed and hundreds of surgeries supervised as an active Faculty.


2016   20h Implant Complications: Misch International Implant Institute, Prof. Carl Misch.


2011   75h Surgical Implant Program: Temple University, School of Dentistry.


2011   96h Surgical Implant Program: Misch Institute Canada, Prof. Carl Misch.


2010   52h Bone Grafting&Implant Placement, Live Surgery Workshop with Dr. Geninho Thomé, Latin American Institute for Research and Dental Education, Curitiba Brazil.

2006   Appointed AIC Implant Clinical Advising Professor

2006   Osstem Implant Curriculum, Course Director

2006   60h Implantat Prosthetic Program: Misch International Implant Institute, Prof.Misch.

2006   96h Surgical Implant Program: Misch Institute Canada, Prof. Carl Misch.

2006-2009 Postgraduate Study, Master of Science Implantology, Danube University Krems Austria

2006 Award-winning Presentation "Immediate Implant Placement & Immediate Loading",

ICOI Winter Symposium San Diego, CA 

2005   75h Surgical Implant Education: Temple University, School of Dentistry.

2005   Main field of activity Implantology, certified by the County Dental Chamber LZKBW

2005   Main field of activity Implantology, certified by the German Board of Oral Implantologists BDIZ.

2005   Diplomate of the DGOI, the German Society of Oral Implantology

2005   Diplomate of the ICOI, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists

2005   20h Live Surgery Seminar "Sinus Grafting & PRP", Prof. Arun Garg.

2005 Award-winning Presentation "Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Loading", 

American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), Scottsdale, AZ 

2005   21h Advances & Innovations of Implant Therapy,

New York University, College of Dentistry, Prof. Dennis Tarnow.

2005   Award-winning Presentation "Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Loading",

ICOI Winter Symposium Miami, FL

2005   Master International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)

2004   Fellow International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)

2004   144h Miami Implant Dentistry Continuum, Prof. Arun Garg

2004   40h Univ. Santa Clara, Cuba, Live Surgery Workshop:

Advanced Implant Surgery: Sinus Grafting & Distraction osteogenesis

2004   20h Live Surgery Seminar "Sinus Grafting & PRP", Prof. Arun Garg.

2004   Founding Member of the DGOI, the German Society of Oral Implantology

2004   Boston University Implant Symposium


2003-2004 124h Advanced Studies Oral Implantology:

Boston University, School of dentistry, Center for Implantology, Prof. Zhimon Jacobson.

2001   180h Dental Implant Program: International Academy of Implantology Prof. A.Palti.

1997   Graduation with "Doctor-medic Stomatology",

Dental School at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila"



                                                                  Know the rules well, so you can break them properly                                                                                                                                             -Dalai Lama





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